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At Mastiff Manor, we put our love for cane corso's into all that we do.

I got involved with Cane Corso's in December of 2010. I knew how amazing this breed was from first sight. My passion for this breed was determined on the loyalty and devotion a Cane Corso has for their owner. From my first female that I bred with I have 3 generations off of her. Breeding for my husband and I is to preserve the breed the best we can. This has been my goal for the last 11 years. All of our Corso's are first and foremost our family. They are raised indoors. We start the socializing process at just 6 weeks old to have the best odds possible. We are raising family dogs. All of this happens on our 40 acre ranch in Valley Falls, KS. My baby Ruthless saved my life at 8 yrs old and become my hero. She had zero bite training, but instinctually she knew she needed to help me. I want to share my love for the breed with you. 

Our Story

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